Ceramic Japanese Yunomi, shiro 180 ml


Ceramic Japanese Yunomi, shiro 180 ml

Ceramic mug, classic Yunomi shape. For everyday tea.

Capacity - 180 ml

Country of origin - Japan

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Ceramic Japanese Yunomi, shiro 180 ml

Japoniškas keramikinis puodelis siauros ir pailgos Yunomi formos. Mino-yaki stilius. Neregularios formos, tradicinė matinė shino glazura ant raudonos spalvos molio. Matomi nelygumai glazuroje susidaro ilgo degimo proceso metu. Puodelis gana masyvus dėl storo glazūros sluoksnio. Labai patogu laikyti rankoje. Puikiai tinka rytinei arbatai.


Product features:

Contemporary Japanese ceramics

A thick layer of traditional Akashino glaze with characteristic irregularities, rust color with gray streaks. Suitable for morning tea



Skersmuo 7.5 cm, aukštis 6 cm, tūris (iki viršutinio krašto) 180 ml

Origins near: Japan


Why do the Japanese use small cups for tea?

Cups play a very important role in Japanese culture and it is impossible to imagine a tea ceremony without them. Cups come in different sizes and shapes, made of different materials - depending on which tea they are intended for. Traditional - without a tendril.
When preparing tea in the traditional way, the general rule applies: more leaves, less water and a short steeping time. This brings out the different characteristics of the tea, which change with each subsequent infusion. When drinking tea from a small capacity and delicate cup, we experience different sensations: we look at the cup itself and how the tea dances in it, we hear certain sounds when the water enters the cup, we feel the aroma and taste of the tea. When holding a cup that does not have a tendril, we feel its shape, texture, and temperature more. All this makes it easier to feel the taste and aroma of each stage of tea preparation, and to assess the quality of the tea.


Learn how to properly prepare green tea here… 



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