"Green of Japan" MATCHA for cocktails 400 g


"Green of Japan" MATCHA for cocktails, tea powder

MATCHA tea powder for cocktails is perfect for making lattes, ice creams, cocktails, cakes and other sweets. Miraculous effects on health! We always have a good price!

Plant variety (eng. cultivar) – Yabukita, Saemidori, Asanoka and Yutakamidori. Region: Aichi and Kagoshima

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"Green of Japan" MATCHA for cocktails, tea powder

MATCHA tea, tea powder for cocktails is used to make lattes, ice creams, cocktails, cakes and other sweets. 

Matcha tea, which are unrolled tea herbs that have been ground into a powder using a stone pestle. Matcha tea it is grown in a shade - the tea bushes are covered with a bamboo roof to protect them from direct sunlight. This prevents the tein from converting to catechin, which adds bitterness to the tea. Tea made this way has more chlorophyll in the leaves. 

Both of our MATCHA varieties (for for the ceremony and tea powder for cocktails) are made from the same untwisted shade-grown tea leaves. Picked tea herbs are crushed with a stone pestle to a powder. Our Matcha powder for cocktails is made from the leaves of the spring harvest - the whole leaf with veins is crushed. Matcha for the ceremony is made from the leaves of the spring harvest, and only the soft part of the leaf without the veins is used for the powder. Matcha for the ceremony is sweeter and the color is brighter.

Plant variety (eng. cultivar) – Yabukita, Saemidori, Asanoka and Yutakamidori

Region: Aichi and Kagoshima


Matcha provides a magical health effects!
💚 Matcha is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect against heart disease and cancer.
💚 L-theanine in tea increases the concentration of dopamine and serotonin, which causes a relaxing effect, a great mood and a sense of well-being.
💚 Matcha also helps to remove toxins from the body and burn calories!
💚 Helps to focus and concentrate


Creamy Matcha latte - how to prepare:


Recipes with Matcha can be found here: RECIPES


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Additional information

Weight 400 g

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